HIPAA Agreement

HIPAA Agreement Policy for SIVRI®


This HIPAA Agreement Policy outlines SIVRI®’s commitment to compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as a Business Associate providing interpreting services. Our dedication to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI) is paramount.


This policy applies to all interactions, services, and activities involving PHI in the course of providing interpreting services as a Business Associate.

Compliance Measures

Administrative Safeguards

  1. Designated Privacy Officer: SIVRI® has appointed a Privacy Officer responsible for the development and implementation of HIPAA policies and procedures.
  2. Risk Assessment: Regular risk assessments are conducted to identify potential vulnerabilities in our systems and processes.
  3. Employee Training: All employees undergo comprehensive HIPAA training to ensure they understand the importance of maintaining PHI confidentiality.

Physical Safeguards

  1. Facility Security: Our physical facilities are equipped with security measures to prevent unauthorized access to PHI.
  2. Workstation Security: Workstations are secure, and access to PHI is restricted based on the principle of least privilege.
  3. Employee Training: All employees undergo comprehensive HIPAA training to ensure they understand the importance of maintaining PHI confidentiality.

Technical Safeguards

  1. Access Controls: Role-based access controls are in place to ensure that only authorized individuals can access PHI.
  2. Encryption: All PHI is encrypted during storage and transmission to mitigate the risk of unauthorized disclosure.
  3. Audit Trails: Comprehensive audit trails are maintained to track access and changes to PHI.
Business Associate Agreements

SIVRI® enters into Business Associate Agreements (BAAs) with covered entities as required by HIPAA. These agreements establish the responsibilities and obligations of each party concerning PHI.

Incident Response

In the event of a breach or unauthorized disclosure of PHI, SIVRI® follows a thorough incident response plan to mitigate the impact and promptly notify affected parties.


For further information about HIPAA and related regulations, please refer to the following resources:

  • Health and Human Services (HHS) HIPAA Homepage
  • HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • HIPAA Security Rule

SIVRI® is commited to upholding the highest standards of HIPAA compliance to ensure the confidentiality and security of PHI. This policy is subject to regular review and updates to adapt to changes in regulations and best practices.

For any inquiries or concerns regarding HIPAA compliance at SIVRI®, please contact our Privacy Officer at
Please consult with your legal team to ensure that the content aligns with your specific business practices and legal requirements.

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